5 credits LA 7010 Urban Design and Planning Social, cultural, physical, and historic factors and their relationship to site design and planning are critically explored through theory and practice. Projects focus upon the expression of design solutions that grow from and affirm an explicit sense of site and place. This studio builds on prior course work with an expectation that participants can creatively manipulate the program and conditions of a site, with increased emphasis on contemporary technology and ‘best’ green practices. 5 credits LA 6020 Integrating Theory and Practice II The integration of site history, as well as contemporary urban condition, is explored that supports an understanding and relationship between theory and practice. These are explored through a semester-long project that is derived from a specific site and place. The course explores theories of urban design strategies, sustainable design, and landscape representation. This studio focuses upon urban, site-scaled projects that consider significant cultural landscapes. 5 credits LA 6010 Integrating Theory and Practice I The course focuses on the aesthetics and functionality of the site-specific design. Studio course emphasizing the design process and principles in generating design ideas, concepts, and plans. 5 credits LA 5020 Composition and Theory II In this process-oriented studio students will develop design proposals for real and imagined sites drawing on knowledge and principles from art, aesthetics, science, nature and culture.
Introduction to landscape architectural design through a series of course modules that engage students in discovering, knowing and engaging the full potential of the landscape medium.

Generally, students without a professional degree in landscape architecture, architecture, or environmental design will be admitted into the 3-year track, while those with a BLA, BSLA, BArch or other relevant professional degrees will be admitted into the 2-year track. MLA students will be notified upon their acceptance letter which MLA degree track they are admitted to.LA 5900 Theoretical Foundations, LA 6900 Methods of Landscape Architectural Inquiry, and LA 6910 Design of Landscapes are all required History and Theory courses that count towards the five required courses. MLA students are required to take a total of five courses to fulfill the History and Theory requirement.MLA students, along with their faculty advisor, must construct a concentration totaling at least 10 credits, including the LA 6030 The Concentration course.Waivers from any of these courses are determined by the Department Faculty.